A writing coach can work with people who are in this mental block of not pursuing a career in the writing field and want to explore the domain. This coach can help you translate your problems into goals and find solutions co-creatively and help you achieve or realize those goals. The coach can act as a guide; in case my clients are facing a mental block in the creative field. Just like any other coach, this coach can be hired at the onset of a writing project or might also be hired in the middle of a project in case the project is not going as per plan and writers are feeling a little block in the field or have reached a saturation point beyond which they are not able to think of what to write.

The coach can help the writers in the said domains, stated previously, organize their projects, fix a schedule, and decide on a completion date as goals. The coach’s job will involve discussing the stages of a writing project, including the entire planning; for example, analyzing designing, development, implementation, and evaluation of a writing project.

The analyzing phase will generally involve drafting a content outline, analyzing audiences, analyzing tasks, etc. It may also involve research, a revised content outline, more extensive research and development, and coming up with various drafts, followed by the designing process.

The designing process will involve designing the strategies and themes for the writing project. Then comes the development phase which will involve the actual creation of the writing process such as novel creation or website content creation. It may also involve visualizations etc. Then comes the editorial process involving editing, copyediting, and proofreading.

In all these stages the coach can contribute writers set up goals and do away with any hindrance that they might face throughout the process.

The coach can help the writers develop clear and compelling writing pieces, regulate the tone and style, and voice-overs for the intended audience, and produce a lucid, appealing narrative.

The coach can help writing professionals in whatever field, raise their bar to a higher level and help them sell their products in the market with ease. In case the professionals are stuck on a particular writing front, the coach can help them elevate and come up with solutions and thus help them achieve their ultimate goals.

Our Main target Audience Include:

General Specific Very Specific
Budding/Aspirant Writers Budding writers who want to set up their career in writing Budding writers in the age group of 16-23 who would want to establish their career in writing.
Established writers Established writers who want to polish their skills Established writers in the age group of 24-40 who would want to enhance their career and want to upscale their career.
Business Entrepreneurs Businessmen who would want to sharpen their writing skills Businessmen who often write RFPs and other marketing collaterals for their clients and want a solution for their writing inefficiencies.
Content Developers Content developers who want to learn the nitty grities of writings Content developers in any sector who would want to establish their careers in the field of writing and who are willing to start their blogs or website content creation.
Content Managers Content Managers who want their teams to expand horizons Content Managers who would want their teams to be trained and do away with the problems in their writing career.
Budding entrepreneurs Budding business people who want to establish their career in writing Budding business people who would want to kick-start their career in writing and who want to make it big in the domain.
Housewives/Homemakers Housewives who want to do some activities in their spare times Homemakers and housewives who want to learn writing and contribute to some earnings for their family’s income.
Novel writers/Short story writers Novel writers who have problems in completing their books Work actively with an author to help them take their book to the next level, as they write it.
Editors Editors who have publication houses have plenty of writers Editors, agents, and other writing and publishing industry professionals who have plenty of writers on board or freelancers who want to start writing a book or a manuscript.
Film Script Writers Film scriptwriters who have writer’s block Film scriptwriters who have a mental block and who can’t figure out what to write next and are stuck in between. Helping them to take the next step and achieve the next level.
Students Students struggling to complete academic writing papers Students who are not able to finish off their assignments because they can’t write well. Helping them do away with what’s giving them problems and helping them complete their assignments.
Poets Poets who are struggling with creativity Poets who generally get stuck on being unable to create creative pieces and prose. Helping them, to target and aim for creativity and thus help them create innovative and creative poems and proses.

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